Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jan. 9/10 Poems

Uncharted Waters

God at times leads us to enter uncharted waters
His call is clear to go and yet we do not know where
The fear of the unknown grips our hearts
What will happen to us if we go?

Lord, you lead the way, I don't want to be a cripple
In following Your leading, for I know you care
Like Abraham, we will cling to you, our God
For You know all things, You will see that we get there

Many things are beyond my understanding
I know my world is one that I cannot alone, bare
For I know You hold me in your arms
You will give me the strength I need to do fair

I will not be afraid to entrust
My future to you, my Lord, you are there
For He is the God of the unknown
He is our all knowing God, and is always there

God is eternal, in Him I will place my future forever
(Gen. 12:1-9, Heb. 11)

By Peter C. Salmond

Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8/ 2010 Poems

The Masterpiece

Jan. 8/10

What God did when He created the world
Was remarkable, He created a masterpiece
On the great canvas in the sky
He held nothing back.

The end result, stunningly beautiful
Yet it was staggering in complexity
So many pieces all molded into one
It was extravagant in all regards

What happened shortly after creation,
It was a crime against a loving and caring God.
God had allowed free choice, man choose his own way,
And not God's, and God's work of art was marred.

Marred by an idea, man thought it a better way,
Our heavenly artist lovingly gave a solution
For man, to repair the smudge he had made,
By painting it red like crimson, making it white as snow.

The Artist paid the price to correct man's mistake,
By giving His life upon a tree He created.
All we need to do is believe in Him,
And follow His way and enjoy His Masterpiece.

The day, will come again for you and me.
Everyone in heaven and on earth will bow
At his feet, at the name of Jesus they will bow,
And those from every nation who have accepted,

Will fit again into God’s plan.
In Christ they will worship together,
In a new flawless heaven and a new flawless earth.
Yes, God made a great creation.

But greater, much greater was His grace!
For when man had sinned and grieved His heart,
He sent Jesus to die in his place
So now we have all eternity to praise God.

My friend, the nice part is that we can begin today.
(Rev. 15, Is. 53:6, Ps. 2:10)
Peter C. Salmond

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jan. 7/10 Poems

Praise Him In Everything

Jan. 7/10

In the every day tasks that we do,
Praise Him for the strength we have,
In the early morning for the droplets of dew,
As they put sparkle into the new day.

In your house cleaning, and making stew,
For the Lord has promised to be near,
At all times and in everything we do,
He promised strength for every long day.

In the watching of the birds as they flew,
As you walked and talked with a friend,
Helping him along life's way in rue,
Of praise to the King.

Success is not in what you do but in how you do,
God will bless your faithfulness,
You will prosper in all that you do,
Crowned with the honor of the Lord.

The world looks at ones success; God looks at ones faithfulness!
(1 Cor. 2:16, Col. 3:1-20)

Peter C. Salmond

Jan. 6/10 Poems

The Handy Work Of God
Jan. 6/10
Dear Lord, As I look into the skies,
I stand in awe at the wonder of your work.
I am amazed by your majestic creation,
That moves at your command.

The sun, moon and the stars,
In all of their splendor.
Still today, make the day in to day,
And they make the night, night upon this land.

The clouds they float along in the sky,
Then again they can roll along as well,
With purpose in their movement,
Marked with the masters brand.

The wind, rain and snow,
They all come as the seasons command,
Making your world a land of wonder,
A land where man is proud to stand.

You are a great and awesome God ,
I am so thankful that you never change.
You will always be the same,
I can put my life into Your hand.

The wonders of creation reveal to all of mankind the handy work of my God.
(Psalm 19: 1-10, Jeremiah 33:20-30)
By Peter C. Salmond

Jan. 5/10 Poems

Done For The Sake Of The Gospel
Jan. 5/10
My son, be strong in the grace and strength of Christ Jesus.
Believe me, hardships will come and they will be tough.
Stand with us as good soldiers of the cross,
Stand firm in your faith.

You may suffer for your faith,
Even to the point of being thrown in prison,
But even there God will be,
He has promised to never leave you.

God's word cannot be imprisoned,
So endure everything that is thrown at you.
For the sake of the people you serve,
That they to may come to Christ.
Lord, please give me strength to serve,
In humbleness of spirit, all around me.
Nothing more, but that I fill a small place,
And that you my Lord be glorified.

Glorify the name of the Lord knowing that,
Nothing is too small when done for the sake of the gospel.
(2 Tim. 2:1-10)

Peter C. Salmond

Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan. 4/10 Poems

Well Done

One day our life on earth will be over
That day will be the day
That we will stand before our Lord
The creator and maker of all

Yes that day will come when we will stand
Before the throne of our God
At the judgment seat of Christ
Where we will meet His Son

Face to face and we will fall
In worship to the King of Kings
Have I so lived that I would hear
'Well done my son, well done.'

Enter into my rest this day
For your service was done well down below
So you will now hear a 'Well done.'
When to heaven you go

(2 Cor. 5:1-11 and Matt.25:21)

By Peter C. Salmond.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

From my Memories

Bear - ling Down On A Fence

Dad was riding along towards home, enjoying the sun as it made a warm glow on his face. He was leisurely enjoying his ride home after a days work in the pasture. When out of the corner of his eye, he he spotted a big old black bear sundering across the pasture, just a little ways up ahead of him. It took him about a moment to think about it, or maybe he never thought about it at all, he just decided right now and then that he was going to have some fun, and give that old bear a run for it's money.

Well the chase was on, he opened the horse up to a full run and before the old bear knew it, a horse and rider was tight on his tail. Which startled him, just a little bit, and he figured he had better head for the tall timbers before he got run right over.

Bears were such a common thing in our pasture those days, that most of our horses would run one down, if we asked them to. We were always surprised as to how close we could get our horses to the back end of a bear, running at full speed when in pursuit.

Dad did not realize how close he was to a fence, and that it did not take him to long to cover the ground separating him from a four wired fence and the perimeter of the pasture. When he looked up, he all of a sudden realized he was approaching the fence very quickly, for it was less than a hundred yards in front of the bear, and he was less then forty feet behind the bear. At this point he realized there was no way that bear was going to be able to stop before it hit the fence, and was pretty sure, the bear was not even worrying about the fence being there.

Dad pulled his horse to a stop, just in time, to see the bear hit the fence. And hit it he did, at full speed. It was then he heard the wires stretching, and breaking, and staples zinging through the air. It was also at that point he knew he had just created a make work project for himself and that his fun had just made it so that he would not make it home for a number of hours. You can only imagine what would happen when a 300 pound bear hits a 4 wired fence at 30-40 km and hour.

So you guessed it, he was fixing fence for a while. But even though he had a quarter mile of fence to repair, he still figured it was a fun time he had while he was chasing the bear.

Dad always told a story so that I could relate and remember it. That was the neatest thing I remembered about dad, is that he could tell a good story. That is likely why I love telling stories myself.

From Mom's Note Book #6

The Cross In My Pocket

I carry a cross in my pocket
A simple reminder to me
Of the fact I am a Christian
No matter where ever I be

This little cross is not magic
Nor is it a good luck charm
It isn't meant to protect me
From every physical harm

It's not for identification
For all the world to see
It's simply an understanding
Between my Savior and me

When I put my hand in my pocket
To bring out a coin or key
The cross is there to remind me
Of the price He paid for me

It reminds me too, to be thankful
For the blessings day by day
And to strive to serve Him better
In all that I do and say

It's also a daily reminder
Of the peace and comfort I share
With all who know my Master
And give themselves to His care

So, I carry a cross in my pocket
Reminding no one but me
That Jesus Christ is Lord of my life
If only I will let Him be

(I do not know who the Author is)

January 3/10 Poems

Widen My World

Lord, open my eyes that I might see
Those around me that are in need
That I would be your helper
Lord, widen my world.

Lord, help me be a part of the work
That You are doing in the world
Open my eyes to the world around me
Lord, please widen my world.

Lord, give me eyes to see as You see
Give me hands to serve others
As you have given the example
Lord, widen my world this year.

Lord, give me a heart of compassion
That I would share Your love
To those each day I meet
Lord, widen my world.


If I would look through the eyes of Jesus, I would see a needy world.
Matthew 28:16-20

By Peter C. Salmond