Uncharted Waters
God at times leads us to enter uncharted waters
His call is clear to go and yet we do not know where
The fear of the unknown grips our hearts
What will happen to us if we go?
Lord, you lead the way, I don't want to be a cripple
In following Your leading, for I know you care
Like Abraham, we will cling to you, our God
For You know all things, You will see that we get there
Many things are beyond my understanding
I know my world is one that I cannot alone, bare
For I know You hold me in your arms
You will give me the strength I need to do fair
I will not be afraid to entrust
My future to you, my Lord, you are there
For He is the God of the unknown
He is our all knowing God, and is always there
God is eternal, in Him I will place my future forever
(Gen. 12:1-9, Heb. 11)
By Peter C. Salmond