Tuesday, May 26, 2009


"This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance (and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe." (1 Tim. 4: 9-10)

I have always enjoyed and loved spring, it is a time of growth and renewal, it's a time of new life and hope. My wife and I often go for walks together along an asphalt path along the North Saskatchewan River, the path starts just a block from our house, at times we have seen these little trees pushing up through the asphalt and reaching up to the sun. Those delicate little plants showed amazing power as they pushed past the heavy weight of the dirt and tar that stood in the way as they came out to greet the sun shinning down from up above.

All through the 20 years of working with children in Bible Camps in the Yukon and in Saskatchewan, I have seen children who have managed to survive and even thrive despite the very difficult home life they came from. Alcohol, drugs, physical and sexual abuse and poverty due to gambling and so on, who are now dedicated Christians, because Christians who cared have planted their love into these little hearts, and they in turn have responded to the gospel of Jesus Christ. These children are those who have strived to reach out for God's love, and now they in turn are giving that same love to their own people and to everyone they meet. I pray often that I, as a father, gave my children the desire to always want to reach out to God and His love, at all times not just in the tough times. My deep desire is to see this message of hope passed on to my grandchildren and on and on for many generations or until Christ returns.

My desire is to renew myself spiritually each day, that my character will manifest strength to overcome the forces that get in my way of growing into the light of God's gracious love.

At times I have fallen and made many mistakes, but each time I turn back to Him in repentance, I am graciously forgiven. I serve an amazing God.

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