Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Day In the Life Of A Handyman

The morning actually went pretty good, finished up the tub surround in the trailer I was working at, repaired the step and then started on the toilet and the shower it's self. That's when everything fell apart and nothing worked out, so at the end of the day I had the toilet fixed, I think, and the plumbing all taken apart, ready to start putting the new shower fittings in, but that will have to wait until Monday morning, then it will be a new day and the start of a new week. It will all go better then, I'm sure. But today was a very long day.

I can hardly wait until Wednesday, we are taking a few days off and going to visit our grandchildren in Albert, oh yeah, our daugher and son-in-law live there too, I guess we will visit with them too. lol, I am looking forward to seeing all of them, and to a change of pace and hopefully a little bit of a rest.

Our reno's here at home have slowed to a snails pace, another couple of evenings and I should have the first half of the baseboards on. Then to cut and fit the last half, then a second coat of paint and finally the last and final fitting with touch up painting to make the project complete. Maybe by the end of June we will be almost back to normal around our house.

Anyhow it has been an interesting day.
Hey, invite a friend to church and just see what might happen. I did and he has now been there two Sundays in a row. "Our God is an awesome God." Come on now sing it. I can just hear you now, you have it stuck in your head and you will be singing for the next couple of days.


L Harris said...

can't wait to see you guys too! and thanks for the song!! lol

Peter C. Salmond said...

Got to keep you singing