Thursday, October 28, 2010


God's Plan
Once you read this, go back to my first two posting about Rwanda, and then you will be back on track with me.

How, did this all happen? How did the Lord get us to go to Rwanda? Well it is a long story happening over the period of many years. Let me tell you the story. It started away back before I ever even met my wife Diane, back when she was just a young teenager or younger.

She went to church every Sunday with her family, it was then at that early age God started tugging at her heart strings, to be a missionary some day. Because of the missionaries that came to her church, of which many of them seemed to be missionaries from Africa, she felt God calling to go to Africa as a missionary.

If anyone who know my wife, she is very fair skinned and has always been very fair all of her life. Because of this natural condition, she some how felt this disqualified her as a missionary to Africa. She felt that there would be no way that she would be able to stand the heat and that she would just burn to a crisp. So because in her young mind, all missionaries went to Africa, she figured out that she would never be a missionary. At that point she did not know or understand as to how BIG of a God she would serve. With God all things are possible.

As she grew and remained open to the leading of God in her life, He lead her to work in Bible camps following her graduation from grade twelve at Caronport High School. She came to Torch Trail Bible Camp in North Central Saskatchewan.

It was while at camp that summer she met me, a young disturbed man, that felt the only kind of a person he was fit to be was a cowboy and that he was no good for nothing and God could not use him so he would just chase cow around all of his life, and there is nothing wrong with being a cowboy, I am still thankful for my early years, growing up as a cowboy in Northern Saskatchewan. But I figured at that point and time in my life is that, that is all there was, and so then that is what I would always be.

When I met Diane, I was in my first year of Bible School at the Nipawin Bible Institute and was just starting to understand that there was more to life than just being a cowboy, I had choices I could make and that God had a plan for my life, which would be a lot different than I had thought. Actually I found out that God wanted me to make the choice to give Him control of my life.

Two months after camp was done that year in 1977, my life would change forever, I became engaged to my beautiful new girl friend who is now my wife, then we proceeded to get married 8 months after we were engaged. So on April 29 1978 we got married. Thus began the rest of my life. I did not know it then but I was signing up for a ride that was beyond my wildest dreams. I have been places and done things that I could never have dreamed of. So it has been and will continue to be an eventful and interesting life as we let God be the guide to our walk on this earth.

Lord willing I will write more tomorrow, but for now enjoy this much of this story.

Please remember as you go through life, whether you are young or old, With God all things are possible.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Face book - friends, welcome to my blog, I hope you will enjoy my ramblings, thoughts and messages. My goal is to honor God in all that I put on it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Disciple And Discipler

The verse of the day today reminded me once again that every Christian is to be a disciple and is to also be a discipler. We are responsible for the growth of the New Christians around us, and we are to be encouraging for all Christians in not being a stumbling block to them by the things that we selfishly want to do for ourselves, it may not cause us to sin, but what about our brother?
Verse of the day - Acts 1: 6-8 (The Disciples asked), Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? 7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. 8 But ye shall receive power, [1] after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem(neighborhood or city), and in all Judaea (province), and in Samaria (your country), and unto the uttermost part of the earth (to the world).

I had never really experienced the world as such before May of 2010 as Diane and I went to Rwanda Africa with e3 Partners Ministries. It was an amazing trip, I started to tell about it earlier but now I would like to finish telling it.

Since going and experiencing how God is working in another country and learned more about discipleship, God has given me a new burden for Canada,and the church. As well as a new burden for new believers. Every new believer needs a mentor, someone to model the Christian life for them. Someone to walk beside them, as an encourager and someone that can be forgiving and understand that as a new christian they are going to make mistakes. As new babies fall, hurt themselves, get up and do it over and over again until finally the they can walk. Why do we expect new baby Christians to be any different. They to need guidance and someone to lean on as they learn to walk the Christian life.

We as the Church need to provide that kind of service, for those that we see come to the Lord so that they feel that they are a part of the family of God.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rwanda 2010 Day 2

The night was short but good, it was so good to get to know Mike and Sidney a bit more that morning. We were beginning to see more and more that this trip was ordained by God. It just made us more excited about what He was going to do in and through us when we arrived in Rwanda.

We seen God allow us to get through airport security with great ease, to Him be the glory. It was 11:00 AM and we were all aboard the Ethiopian Air lines and ready for lift off. We were about to take off on the longest, tiring airplane trip of our lives.

What I didn't realize was that we were going to be landing in Rome, yes I said Rome, one of the cities that the Apostle Paul had walked in. I was pretty excited until I found out we were not getting off the plane and it would be totally dark the whole time we were there. But at least we can say we have been in Rome.

Then in another 5-7 hours we landed again in Abba De sis Ethiopia, then a small hop over into Uganda and then to Rwanda. We had made it and we were seeing a very beautiful land that God had made, and were about to meet a beautiful people also that God had made. We were now very excited to meet the Rwandan team.

On this day God gave me a poem as our plane had been delayed for a bit. So here it is


Has the return of our Lord been delayed
In no way has it been
Our Lord is always on time, His time
He will return as He said He would.

If it seems that His return has been delayed
It is because He want us to draw nearer to Him
He wants us to bring more people Home to Heaven with us
When He returns to take us there.

Delayed- Never, His love constrains Him
Every ear must hear and every eye see
The glory of our Lord and Savior
For He is returning in the sky for you and me

Jesus is coming again although
We don't know when that will be
If we are ready for His coming
We will go with Him. when He comes

He will come from on high for you and for me, if we are ready, waiting and watching.
As well as going about His business of Spreading the good news to the whole world.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rwanda May 2010

I have not been on my blog for quit some time, to busy getting ready to go on our trip to Rwanda in May, we were gone from the 16- June 1, it was a fantastic trip and I would love to tell you about it. So here we go for as long as it takes, come along as I relive the trip on my blog.

We went into Saskatoon on the 15Th, and visited with Audrey and Garold, Audrey is a sister to Ron Frank, He and His wife Sheila were teachers for all of our children in the Yukon. Anyhow the connection happened when we sent out our letter looking for those supporters the Lord had prepared a head of time to support us on our trip to Rwanda. Ron and Sheila called us and said that Ron's family were involved in the Frank Sewing School/Factory in Rwanda, and through that we were put in touch with his sister and brother-in- law in Saskatoon. So we had a good visit with them and seen their pictures of Rwanda, it was great in preparing us for what was a head of us. That evening we stayed with Diane's sister Leona and husband Fraser Kent, Leona graciously agreed to take us to the airport early the next morning.

May 16
Departure date, we arrived at the airport in Saskatoon at 8:00 AM that morning. Flight leaving at 10:00 AM. Ps. 146:6- The scripture the Lord gave me before we left- "God is the maker of the heavens and the earth, the sea and everything in them. He is the Lord, who remains faithful for ever". Everything is in His control. This verse and these thoughts calmed my heart as we were leaving to fly many miles over land and sea, across the ocean for the first time in my life to actually leave North America. I knew God had called and still I had a hard time placing my faith in an airplane to carry me across the ocean. But I knew my faith was not in man made things but in the LORD.

So our day was an up and down day of flying from, Saskatoon -Toronto- Ottawa- Washington DC-, so yes a long day of ups and downs
But over all a great day
God held us in His hands
For He is our Heavenly Father

We met up with one of our leaders, Mike Wagner, and Caboose- Sidney Allen, who would on the way to Rwanda bring up the back of our four man team at that point. It was a great time of meeting in person for the first time. So we went to the hotel and went right to bed to get as much sleep as possible before the looooooooong flight to Rwanda the next morning.

I will leave you with the poem the Lord gave me that first day.

Be Not Overwhelmed
We must not be discouraged
When great problems beset us
And we grow weary
In that we must trust our God

We must not be dismayed
Because our life is perplexing
When our God know the way
Through the wilderness

We must not get depressed
When we suffer for doing good
Even though our days are full of trouble
We learn to lean on our Saviors strength

We must not despair
In those days of adversity
When we face that tribulation
Seems our burdens more than we can bear

We must never forget
That we have our Father
A loving Heavenly Father
Who is watching over us up in Heaven

By Peter C. Salmond

Friday, April 16, 2010

Prayer Is Important

Vessels Of Clay
Although our bodies are just the container
That each day are decaying, as they get older,
And getting closer to the closing day
Our lives here on earth could be only a short time more
Our inward body is renewed each day,
By the treasure that is with in us
Greater is He that is in us, then that is in the world
Praise God the devil has no power over us.
Because of the life and power of Jesus Christ
Who indwells this fragile jar of clay
He is the potter, I am the clay
Mold me and make me, master I pray
I pray that this would be your prayer today
That Christ would be seen clearly in you
Because you remained in the background
And let Christ shine through you from the inside out.
Have a good day and may God bless you today

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rwanda Bound- A History in the Making

God's Plan

How, did this all happen? How did the Lord get us to go to Rwanda? Well it is a long story happening over the period of many years. Let me tell you the story. It started away back before I ever even met my wife Diane, back when she was just a young teenager or younger.

She went to church every Sunday with her family, it was then at that early age God started tugging at her heart strings, to be a missionary some day. Because of the missionaries that came to her church, of which many of them seemed to be missionaries from Africa, she felt God calling to go to Africa as a missionary.

If anyone who know my wife, she is very fair skinned and has always been very fair all of her life. Because of this natural condition, she some how felt this disqualified her as a missionary to Africa. She felt that there would be no way that she would be able to stand the heat and that she would just burn to a crisp. So because in her young mind, all missionaries went to Africa, she figured out that she would never be a missionary. At that point she did not know or understand as to how BIG of a God she would serve. With God all things are possible.

As she grew and remained open to the leading of God in her life, He lead her to work in Bible camps following her graduation from grade twelve at Caronport High School. She came to Torch Trail Bible Camp in North Central Saskatchewan.

It was while at camp that summer she met me, a young disturbed man, that felt the only kind of a person he was fit to be was a cowboy and that he was no good for nothing and God could not use him so he would just chase cow around all of his life, and there is nothing wrong with being a cowboy, I am still thankful for my early years, growing up as a cowboy in Northern Saskatchewan. But I figured at that point and time in my life is that, that is all there was, and so then that is what I would always be.

When I met Diane, I was in my first year of Bible School at the Nipawin Bible Institute and was just starting to understand that there was more to life than just being a cowboy, I had choices I could make and that God had a plan for my life, which would be a lot different than I had thought. Actually I found out that God wanted me to make the choice to give Him control of my life.

Two months after camp was done that year in 1977, my life would change forever, I became engaged to my beautiful new girl friend who is now my wife, then we proceeded to get married 8 months after we were engaged. So on April 29 1978 we got married. Thus began the rest of my life. I did not know it then but I was signing up for a ride that was beyond my wildest dreams. I have been places and done things that I could never have dreamed of. So it has been and will continue to be an eventful and interesting life as we let God be the guide to our walk on this earth.

Lord willing I will write more tomorrow, but for now enjoy this much of this story.

Please remember as you go through life, whether you are young or old, With God all things are possible.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Poem 2010

The Kings Kids

We are adopted by the king
We are children in the family of God
We are brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ
Praise God we are the Kings Kids

Duel citisenship that's what we have
We are pilgrams together of this earth
As long as the Lord gives to us breath
We breath as do the Kings kids

We have been saved, born again in Him
We possess the position, as the chid of the King of Kings
In the rights purchased for us by the blood of the Lamb
We are children of the King, Kings Kids

We say “Abba Father” our loving and caring
All knowing, all powerful Heavenly Father
Who owns the cattle on a thousand hills
I am so pleased to be one of your kids

I praise you for we are heirs, joint-heirs with Jesus
The author and finisher of my faith
The wealth of God in Heaven is mine
For I am one of the Kings Kids

Through Jesus Christ the Lord,
Joint-heirs with Him we claim it, then,
According to His Word, heaven will be our home
He said it, I claim it, I am the Kings Kid

A Christian’s inheritance is in another world
This world is not my home
(Eph. 1:5,.Rom. 8:15)
For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." 5. he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will

Saturday, January 23, 2010

2010 Poems

Don't Give Up, Never Quit

Our strength is in the Lord, He is mine,
Our hope is in the Lord, always,
For He has given a sign,
So don't give up, keep moving on.

Our rest is secure in the Lord, it is on line.
His Word is steadfast and sure;
We are standing on the word so fine,
We stand on a firm foundation.

Still at times we are tempted to recline,
To give up into a deep despair.
Then He reminds me He is mine,
And He will always be there.

We know that He keeps us in His care so kind.
Yes, we’re kept within His care.
He knows the way out of every bind,
When we do His biding strength we will find.

When you’re working for Jesus, you will always have a job.
He will never fire you or will never run out of work.
We are the ones that often do just that,
We give up and quit, but He won't.

By Peter C. Salmond
(1 Kings 19)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010 Poems Jan.19

Oh Lord, It Is You

Oh Lord, it is you,
It is you, I give my life to you.
For you are my sword and my shield,
O Lord, I give my life to you.

Oh Lord, it is you,
It is you, I will follow you.
For you are my leader and my guide.
Oh Lord, I will follow you.

Oh Lord, it is you,
It is you Lord, that I will obey.
I will bow at your feet doing your command,
Oh Lord, it is you I will obey.

Oh Lord, it is you,
It is in you Lord, contented I will be.
As I strive to be more like you,
Oh Lord, it is in you, content I will be.

Oh Lord, it is you,
It is in your excellence, Lord, I strive,
To be more like you each day.
Oh Lord, it's in you today.

By Peter C. Salmond

Godliness with contentment is great gain. —1 Timothy 6:6

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jan. 10/10 Poems

Those Who Have Gone Before
Jan. 10/10

When I think of the Chilkoot Trail and the hearty souls that walked that way.
They had one goal in mind, each one with a plan. Down the trail they go.
The gold rush was the reason, and this was the way to get there.
Rough and rugged beauty and yet much danger along those lonely trails.

They would walk for days and yet all that lay before them was a rugged land,
Bush, rock, mountains and cold hard snow, and a relentless wind.
Would they ever make it, some did, some didn't, some gave up and turned back,
Others died along the way. Out of those that made it, very few found what they were looking for.

They were looking for wealth and riches from the gold they had heard about,
From those who had been there and sent word home, but didn't tell the whole truth.
Many were led astray and many lost their way.
The love of money is the root of all evil, the gold rush had both.

But everyone was following a leader, someone who had gone before.
Yet, there was only one that would have been there first.
No one was sure who he was or if he was even true.
But it must be true at least that is what they say.

In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.
Jesus has been there from the very beginning. The Bible tells us so.
He has been along the road. He has been tried and true.
Our spiritual trail to heaven has been the path our leader have trod, those who have gone before.

These leaders like the Chilkoot trail traveler, also had one goal,
To walk the streets of gold for eternity, up in heaven.
These leaders by faith fought the elements along the way as well.
This path also is not an easy path, at times it is a lonely trail to trod.

Much of it seems all up hill, you pass through rugged lands, fight your way through many a thicket,
You just get over one rock and you think you've made it, you look up, no, another mountain to climb.
From many people along the way you will feel their icy glares and cold ridicule.
Telling you this and telling you that, who are you to believe.

At times along the way, I have wondered, will I ever make it?
Well, some have, others will, some have given up and turned back.
Yet, others have died along the way, with no hope for eternity.
But those that made it were hardy souls with heaven as their goal.

Nothing could stop them as they cleared the trail,
Shared their knowledge and led the way for us to follow.
Yes, the paths our leaders have trod, has not been an easy path.
But we will win, if we follow their example, keeping heaven as our goal.

We owe a lot to the Saints that walked in Bible times, like those in Heb. 11,
We owe a lot to those that brought the gospel to our kin folk,
But we owe the most to mom and dad and to those that have impacted us for Christ,
Setting us on the trail that will lead us to heaven, if we will keep our eyes fixed on Him.

Following the trail markers of those who have gone before, each day as we walk and learn.
Why should the younger generation make the same mistakes as those,
Our ancestors have made for years, when we have them as an example, a warning.
The road signs are there, if we follow and keep on keeping on, we will make it in the end.

On like the gold rush travelers, we will one day walk on the streets of gold in heaven,
We will be rich, beyond our wildest imaginations, we will have it all.
For we will have eternal life with God for ever and ever.
We will have Jesus for all of eternity.

For our leaders that following Christ are clearing the trail in the right direction, so keep on following and being the leaders for those who will follow us.

By Peter C. Salmond

Read: Heb. 11, John 1, Read a book on your Christian Heritage, write a thank you letter to your parents and the leaders in your life that have impacted your life for Christ.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jan. 9/10 Poems

Uncharted Waters

God at times leads us to enter uncharted waters
His call is clear to go and yet we do not know where
The fear of the unknown grips our hearts
What will happen to us if we go?

Lord, you lead the way, I don't want to be a cripple
In following Your leading, for I know you care
Like Abraham, we will cling to you, our God
For You know all things, You will see that we get there

Many things are beyond my understanding
I know my world is one that I cannot alone, bare
For I know You hold me in your arms
You will give me the strength I need to do fair

I will not be afraid to entrust
My future to you, my Lord, you are there
For He is the God of the unknown
He is our all knowing God, and is always there

God is eternal, in Him I will place my future forever
(Gen. 12:1-9, Heb. 11)

By Peter C. Salmond

Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8/ 2010 Poems

The Masterpiece

Jan. 8/10

What God did when He created the world
Was remarkable, He created a masterpiece
On the great canvas in the sky
He held nothing back.

The end result, stunningly beautiful
Yet it was staggering in complexity
So many pieces all molded into one
It was extravagant in all regards

What happened shortly after creation,
It was a crime against a loving and caring God.
God had allowed free choice, man choose his own way,
And not God's, and God's work of art was marred.

Marred by an idea, man thought it a better way,
Our heavenly artist lovingly gave a solution
For man, to repair the smudge he had made,
By painting it red like crimson, making it white as snow.

The Artist paid the price to correct man's mistake,
By giving His life upon a tree He created.
All we need to do is believe in Him,
And follow His way and enjoy His Masterpiece.

The day, will come again for you and me.
Everyone in heaven and on earth will bow
At his feet, at the name of Jesus they will bow,
And those from every nation who have accepted,

Will fit again into God’s plan.
In Christ they will worship together,
In a new flawless heaven and a new flawless earth.
Yes, God made a great creation.

But greater, much greater was His grace!
For when man had sinned and grieved His heart,
He sent Jesus to die in his place
So now we have all eternity to praise God.

My friend, the nice part is that we can begin today.
(Rev. 15, Is. 53:6, Ps. 2:10)
Peter C. Salmond

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jan. 7/10 Poems

Praise Him In Everything

Jan. 7/10

In the every day tasks that we do,
Praise Him for the strength we have,
In the early morning for the droplets of dew,
As they put sparkle into the new day.

In your house cleaning, and making stew,
For the Lord has promised to be near,
At all times and in everything we do,
He promised strength for every long day.

In the watching of the birds as they flew,
As you walked and talked with a friend,
Helping him along life's way in rue,
Of praise to the King.

Success is not in what you do but in how you do,
God will bless your faithfulness,
You will prosper in all that you do,
Crowned with the honor of the Lord.

The world looks at ones success; God looks at ones faithfulness!
(1 Cor. 2:16, Col. 3:1-20)

Peter C. Salmond

Jan. 6/10 Poems

The Handy Work Of God
Jan. 6/10
Dear Lord, As I look into the skies,
I stand in awe at the wonder of your work.
I am amazed by your majestic creation,
That moves at your command.

The sun, moon and the stars,
In all of their splendor.
Still today, make the day in to day,
And they make the night, night upon this land.

The clouds they float along in the sky,
Then again they can roll along as well,
With purpose in their movement,
Marked with the masters brand.

The wind, rain and snow,
They all come as the seasons command,
Making your world a land of wonder,
A land where man is proud to stand.

You are a great and awesome God ,
I am so thankful that you never change.
You will always be the same,
I can put my life into Your hand.

The wonders of creation reveal to all of mankind the handy work of my God.
(Psalm 19: 1-10, Jeremiah 33:20-30)
By Peter C. Salmond

Jan. 5/10 Poems

Done For The Sake Of The Gospel
Jan. 5/10
My son, be strong in the grace and strength of Christ Jesus.
Believe me, hardships will come and they will be tough.
Stand with us as good soldiers of the cross,
Stand firm in your faith.

You may suffer for your faith,
Even to the point of being thrown in prison,
But even there God will be,
He has promised to never leave you.

God's word cannot be imprisoned,
So endure everything that is thrown at you.
For the sake of the people you serve,
That they to may come to Christ.
Lord, please give me strength to serve,
In humbleness of spirit, all around me.
Nothing more, but that I fill a small place,
And that you my Lord be glorified.

Glorify the name of the Lord knowing that,
Nothing is too small when done for the sake of the gospel.
(2 Tim. 2:1-10)

Peter C. Salmond

Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan. 4/10 Poems

Well Done

One day our life on earth will be over
That day will be the day
That we will stand before our Lord
The creator and maker of all

Yes that day will come when we will stand
Before the throne of our God
At the judgment seat of Christ
Where we will meet His Son

Face to face and we will fall
In worship to the King of Kings
Have I so lived that I would hear
'Well done my son, well done.'

Enter into my rest this day
For your service was done well down below
So you will now hear a 'Well done.'
When to heaven you go

(2 Cor. 5:1-11 and Matt.25:21)

By Peter C. Salmond.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

From my Memories

Bear - ling Down On A Fence

Dad was riding along towards home, enjoying the sun as it made a warm glow on his face. He was leisurely enjoying his ride home after a days work in the pasture. When out of the corner of his eye, he he spotted a big old black bear sundering across the pasture, just a little ways up ahead of him. It took him about a moment to think about it, or maybe he never thought about it at all, he just decided right now and then that he was going to have some fun, and give that old bear a run for it's money.

Well the chase was on, he opened the horse up to a full run and before the old bear knew it, a horse and rider was tight on his tail. Which startled him, just a little bit, and he figured he had better head for the tall timbers before he got run right over.

Bears were such a common thing in our pasture those days, that most of our horses would run one down, if we asked them to. We were always surprised as to how close we could get our horses to the back end of a bear, running at full speed when in pursuit.

Dad did not realize how close he was to a fence, and that it did not take him to long to cover the ground separating him from a four wired fence and the perimeter of the pasture. When he looked up, he all of a sudden realized he was approaching the fence very quickly, for it was less than a hundred yards in front of the bear, and he was less then forty feet behind the bear. At this point he realized there was no way that bear was going to be able to stop before it hit the fence, and was pretty sure, the bear was not even worrying about the fence being there.

Dad pulled his horse to a stop, just in time, to see the bear hit the fence. And hit it he did, at full speed. It was then he heard the wires stretching, and breaking, and staples zinging through the air. It was also at that point he knew he had just created a make work project for himself and that his fun had just made it so that he would not make it home for a number of hours. You can only imagine what would happen when a 300 pound bear hits a 4 wired fence at 30-40 km and hour.

So you guessed it, he was fixing fence for a while. But even though he had a quarter mile of fence to repair, he still figured it was a fun time he had while he was chasing the bear.

Dad always told a story so that I could relate and remember it. That was the neatest thing I remembered about dad, is that he could tell a good story. That is likely why I love telling stories myself.

From Mom's Note Book #6

The Cross In My Pocket

I carry a cross in my pocket
A simple reminder to me
Of the fact I am a Christian
No matter where ever I be

This little cross is not magic
Nor is it a good luck charm
It isn't meant to protect me
From every physical harm

It's not for identification
For all the world to see
It's simply an understanding
Between my Savior and me

When I put my hand in my pocket
To bring out a coin or key
The cross is there to remind me
Of the price He paid for me

It reminds me too, to be thankful
For the blessings day by day
And to strive to serve Him better
In all that I do and say

It's also a daily reminder
Of the peace and comfort I share
With all who know my Master
And give themselves to His care

So, I carry a cross in my pocket
Reminding no one but me
That Jesus Christ is Lord of my life
If only I will let Him be

(I do not know who the Author is)

January 3/10 Poems

Widen My World

Lord, open my eyes that I might see
Those around me that are in need
That I would be your helper
Lord, widen my world.

Lord, help me be a part of the work
That You are doing in the world
Open my eyes to the world around me
Lord, please widen my world.

Lord, give me eyes to see as You see
Give me hands to serve others
As you have given the example
Lord, widen my world this year.

Lord, give me a heart of compassion
That I would share Your love
To those each day I meet
Lord, widen my world.


If I would look through the eyes of Jesus, I would see a needy world.
Matthew 28:16-20

By Peter C. Salmond

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2/10 Poems

Traveling Along Life's Way

As I travel down life’s highway
My Savior leads me on
Down the winding pathway
As I face another hard day

Jesus keeps me day by day
I walk with him and He walks with me
Keeping me on the straight and narrow way
In His will I will always stay

At times I want to run ahead a ways
Then the road gets more winding
Yet, from Him I do not stray
For He is with me each day

He has promised to never leave me
Nor to forsake me
Never to leave me alone
He will be with me each and every day.

God’s presence brings great comfort along life's way
(Ps. 25:4-10, Gen. 28:15, Heb. 13:5)

By Peter C. Salmond

Friday, January 1, 2010

Poem 2010

Another Year At The Door
January 1

Search God's word and find for yourself
Hidden treasures and precious things in store
Dig a little deeper, day after day
You will be surprised as you find more and more.

As a miner digs for mineral deposits
When all is said and done he finds ore;
So as you dig into God's word
You to will find wisdom three score

Search, and you will surely find
Answers to your questions galore
Treasures you will find, enriching your mind
Thus to the future opening the door

As we enter in to 2010 a gift awaits
What do we have in store
Wait and watch for opportunities to shine
You will be surprised, as to what crosses the floor

God’s rich treasures that are proven and true
are there just waiting for you to explore.
(Prov. 2:1-9)

By Peter C. Salmond