God's Plan
Once you read this, go back to my first two posting about Rwanda, and then you will be back on track with me.
How, did this all happen? How did the Lord get us to go to Rwanda? Well it is a long story happening over the period of many years. Let me tell you the story. It started away back before I ever even met my wife Diane, back when she was just a young teenager or younger.
Once you read this, go back to my first two posting about Rwanda, and then you will be back on track with me.
How, did this all happen? How did the Lord get us to go to Rwanda? Well it is a long story happening over the period of many years. Let me tell you the story. It started away back before I ever even met my wife Diane, back when she was just a young teenager or younger.
She went to church every Sunday with her family, it was then at that early age God started tugging at her heart strings, to be a missionary some day. Because of the missionaries that came to her church, of which many of them seemed to be missionaries from Africa, she felt God calling to go to Africa as a missionary.
If anyone who know my wife, she is very fair skinned and has always been very fair all of her life. Because of this natural condition, she some how felt this disqualified her as a missionary to Africa. She felt that there would be no way that she would be able to stand the heat and that she would just burn to a crisp. So because in her young mind, all missionaries went to Africa, she figured out that she would never be a missionary. At that point she did not know or understand as to how BIG of a God she would serve. With God all things are possible.
As she grew and remained open to the leading of God in her life, He lead her to work in Bible camps following her graduation from grade twelve at Caronport High School. She came to Torch Trail Bible Camp in North Central Saskatchewan.
It was while at camp that summer she met me, a young disturbed man, that felt the only kind of a person he was fit to be was a cowboy and that he was no good for nothing and God could not use him so he would just chase cow around all of his life, and there is nothing wrong with being a cowboy, I am still thankful for my early years, growing up as a cowboy in Northern Saskatchewan. But I figured at that point and time in my life is that, that is all there was, and so then that is what I would always be.
When I met Diane, I was in my first year of Bible School at the Nipawin Bible Institute and was just starting to understand that there was more to life than just being a cowboy, I had choices I could make and that God had a plan for my life, which would be a lot different than I had thought. Actually I found out that God wanted me to make the choice to give Him control of my life.
Two months after camp was done that year in 1977, my life would change forever, I became engaged to my beautiful new girl friend who is now my wife, then we proceeded to get married 8 months after we were engaged. So on April 29 1978 we got married. Thus began the rest of my life. I did not know it then but I was signing up for a ride that was beyond my wildest dreams. I have been places and done things that I could never have dreamed of. So it has been and will continue to be an eventful and interesting life as we let God be the guide to our walk on this earth.
Lord willing I will write more tomorrow, but for now enjoy this much of this story.
Please remember as you go through life, whether you are young or old, With God all things are possible.
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