Monday, March 7, 2011

Put Others First


Don't distract a cook mixing a sauce,
It may be to strong in the end
He must forget himself and concentrate
On the amounts of ingredients and the cost

Don't distract a surgeon making an incision,
The incision may get to long, that would not be good
He must forget himself and concentrate on the job at hand
Or it could mean life or death for the patient under his command

Don't distract a clerk completing bill of lading.
Your items that you were counting on may get missed
Not being delivered to the place they were to be
Thus not completing the transactions intended

All of these folks “wear the same rapt expression,
When forgetting themselves in a function.”
They have one thing on their mind
The job and person in whom they are serving

We do not want to here an opps and a sigh
With a strained look upon their face
That would not be good in the least
We want them to forget about themselves

Putting the other guy first

Philippians 2:3-4
“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out . . . for the interests of others.”

When I’m listening to a friend,
I need to remind myself to focus on him,
Not to begin wondering how I look,
What he thinks of me, what I should say next.

Let’s put others first by listening in rapt attention,
Concentrating on the one in front of us, forgetting ourselves.
When we hold our tongues and listen, that is good for them
We communicate our care;For an open ear speaks volumes
To a heart that’s in despair.

Listen it may be the most loving thing you do for your friend on this day.

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