Monday, April 11, 2011

A Penny For Your Thoughts

A Little Can Go A Long Way

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."Matthew 17:20

So what is a penny worth. A penny by it's self laying on the ground, to most is not worth stooping down for, and picking it up. The poor little penny. All alone and not worth much there all by him self. It’s easy to feel like a penny in a trillion-dollar deficit, or when someone is saving for a trip and the flights are over $2000.00 each. You could feel like you would not make much of a difference even if you were picked up and put on the pile. What difference could one more penny make.

Let's look at the widows mite. The Widow’s Offering : Mark 12:41-43
Jesus sat down close to the place where the offering plats were sitting, and then as the ushers took the plates and passed them up and down the isles in the church, He watched the congregation as they were putting their money into the church offering plate. Many well to do business men threw in large bills and large checks. But a poor little old granny towards the back, put in two pennies, worth two cents, you may say she put in her two cents worth. But really what was it worth?
After that Jesus called His disciples to him,and said to them,Truly I tell you, this poor old granny has put more into the offering plate than all the others. She has given to me all that she had, that was her last two cents.

But she did it in obedience to me her Lord, when one is obedient in every circumstance and to the teaching of the word, everything adds up. If every believer, every born again Believer would be obedient and act in faith in all things that I have asked them to do, whether large or small things, it would make a big difference in the Kingdom of God. And they would see then that every penny counts when given for the Lord.

You see it matters not how large or small your gift to the Lord
It's your faith and obedience that counts in the end you see
Because , what really counts is in whom you trust
In this life of uncertainty, do you trust in God, or in the almighty ME

My thoughts on these verses, put into today's time and place

Peace of mind will follow when faith and obedience takes first place in ones life.

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