Saturday, August 15, 2009


May I call you friend
Come winter, spring, summer or fall
A friend walks with me through them all
So, may I call you friend

May I call you friend
Come rain, wind, snow or hail
A friend would walk beside me up every hill
So, may I call you friend

May I call you friend
A friend would face what I face
Yes, they would do them all
So, may I call you friend

Dear Lord, I do not ask a lot
But may I ask for at least one
Or at most a few who would dare come close
Oh Lord, may I have a friend so true

This friend or friends, I would ask
That first off, they would be
Loyal and faithful to You
And then they would be a friend to me

So, may we begin a friendship
Is the cost too high
Death for the Lord
Was what He was willing to pay

To start a friendship with me
May I call you friend

By Peter C. Salmond

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