Friday, March 4, 2011

He's Coming Again

Acts 1:7–11
And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times
or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.
But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;
and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Jesus Ascends to Heaven

Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched,
He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.
And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up,
behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said,

“Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven?
This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven,
will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”

He Said it. I Believe It, And That Settles It

He is coming again Oh, the rapture of that day
I will get to see Him and behold His lovely face,
Oh how I love Him, I will tell Him how much I love Him,
He died to save me, save me by His amazing grace.

Christ is coming of that I am sure—perhaps today!
Maybe tomorrow, the exact time I am not sure
But He said He would come again, to take me home
He has never broken a promise yet, so why would this

Not be true, He will come again.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Step Of Faith

Discipleship Walking

In faith step into the water, He will take care of the depth
In faith walk on water, He will give you the place to put your feet
In faith put one foot in front of the other He will lead the way
When we know God is leading, all He asks is that we follow.

Often He takes us to places, beyond our imagination
Yes, places where we thought we would never be
Even when the storms of life blow us off track
Still we will follow You along life's road

Lord, help me to get relaxed and comfortable in you
In my relationship with you, I want to be resting
Then I will no longer be comfortable just sitting in a pew
But rather being busy going and being a witness for you.

So am I willing to step into the water, of this life
Am I willing to disciple a new or younger brother
Helping them grow and learn how to walk, with strife
Teaching them how to talk and how to lead another.

Through all of this you are never alone, Jesus is there for you
As you let your friend and brother believe in you as well
That you will be there for them through thick and thin
They will always have the Lord and they will have you.

By Peter C. Salmond

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Moving Forward and Upward

As we move towards putting our home on the market asking God for His blessing and favor on having it sold before the biggest move of our lives. I have many different emotions moving through me, and yet I know everything I have is His, for it is because of Him that we have been blessed.

We do not know for sure what lies ahead of us, but we are willing to take one step at a time as He lights our path. I now have 3-4 months before I go back to school, who would have thought it, me going back to school at 55 years old. Maybe, just maybe you can still teach an old dog new tricks. At least I know that God can and He will.

As I was sorting things yesterday God just kept saying in a still small voice, "they are just things. And all you really need is Me, lean on me and follow me." I was comforted and looked forward in faith that He knows what is ahead.

God does not lay a burden on a heart for no reason at all, and as Diane and I think about Rwanda our hearts go back to the people we met and began to love when we were there in May of 2010. It was there, while ministering with my fellow Rwandian brothers in the Lord and with the church we partnered with, and as we saw the Lord build His church in the villages we walked in sharing the gospel with the people,that God was planting in my heart a burden. A burden that all new believers need to be discipled. And that our own Canadian Churches need to start being the example and leading the way in this.

As we leave for Rwanda in a few months, I want to leave this burden at the feet of our pastors here in Prince Albert, and in North America. That they would start giving that gift to the young believers in their congregations and to the new baby Christians being born into their churches.

I am calling it - Intentional Discipleship - It means having a plan and then acting upon it. Giving the people with in our congregations the opportunity to practice, acting on their Christianity and being the desciplers of the young Christians in the church. Come up with a plan and make it work.



1 Corinthians 10:31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

I wonder and many times know that I miss the mark,
But I have a friend that is willing and waiting to forgive
And for me to return to glorifying Him
In all that I do, and say with my fellow man.

You have been been given a special gift by God
In fact you have been given many gifts by Him
When you use them to bring God glory,
They will bring you satisfaction and joy

The gifts we offer back to the Lord
Are special and sweet in the eyes of God
But they are measured by His standards
Is your life a sacrifice of praise to the Lord

Such gifts are highly treasured by your God
After all, we were created to give God the glory.
For He is the one that is Holy and pure
And this is some of the gifts He has passed on to you.

So as you come before Him today on bended knee
And with a thankful heart of praise
Glorify His name, the name above all names
He is Jesus, Jesus Christ our Lord.

By Peter C. Salmond

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I Have Fought And He Was Faithful

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. —2 Timothy 4:7 He looked forward to an eternal crown (v.8).

Each day as I walk with God, I praise Him for His faithfulness, as I face each of life's battles, whether I win or lose I can count on Him.

I can always count on God, I know He cares for me
For He is my heavenly Father, and He is always there
He never changes; He always is the same for me
I know I can be sure, I will never have to ask, Are You there?

Yesterday, He was there and walked beside me
Today, He met me as I awoke to start a new day
Forever, He is faithful, He will watch over me all the way home.
I know He loves me, praise His holy name!

In every situation He will be faithful always
When I stumble and fall, He offers me His hand
Helping me up, once again to stand before Him
And to walk beside Him as He leads me.

To God be the GLORY

By Peter C. Salmond

Monday, February 28, 2011

Called To Greatness - Secrets 4 and 5

#4 Secret

Learning To Do What Makes God Happy

A new believers relationship with God is no different than any other love relationship. You want to do things that make that person happy, and you want to stop doing things that make that person sad.

Jesus put it this way, 'If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15) One of the secrets of a great relationship is to begin changing things in your life based on what pleases or displeases the one who loves you most.

As the new born
-reads God's word
talks to Him as a friend
and spends time with His friends
They will start to understand and know what pleases God
Then they will also begin to understand what it means to become a new creation in Christ. In (2 Cor. 5:17) God tells us this.

Exercise – Finish this sentence- One thing I think Jesus would like to change in me is .................?

Then encourage them to talk to God each morning and turn that part of their life over to Him, and let Him have control of it.

Get them to bring the card to your next meeting for discussion purposes.

Secret #5

Talk About Him

Share your testimony of what He (Jesus) has done for you with someone else every day for the next week. Tell them what has happened in your life. Sharing this will make you stronger in your walk with Him. You will never forget what Jesus done for you if you share it with someone often.

Pray asking God to open a natural opportunity for this action to take place. Praying that prayer every day expecting God to answer. Then discuss the results the next time you meet.

Read the Power In The Basics
From page 196-197 from the book

This book is a must read for the Follower Of Christ

Rotten To The Core

Appletons Rotten To The Core

Romans 3:10–11 As it is written:“There is none righteous, no, not one;
There is none who understands;There is none who seeks after God.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

—apart from Christ, we’re all rotten to the core.

Jesus Christ has come to people “rotten to the core,
And makes us “a new creation” by faith in Him
In His goodness, He has fixed our problem completely
All the way down to our core. In our heart of hearts

I know I’m a sinner, I know I have done wrong
I need a Savior and Christ met my need;
His death paid the price for He ransomed me
His work is sufficient, when on Him I believe;

I have life eternal when Him I receive
He gives me a brand new start, but I need more
I need to change from the inside out
I need a new heart of hearts.

If my old heart is ROTTEN to the core,

By Peter C. Salmond