Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jan. 6/10 Poems

The Handy Work Of God
Jan. 6/10
Dear Lord, As I look into the skies,
I stand in awe at the wonder of your work.
I am amazed by your majestic creation,
That moves at your command.

The sun, moon and the stars,
In all of their splendor.
Still today, make the day in to day,
And they make the night, night upon this land.

The clouds they float along in the sky,
Then again they can roll along as well,
With purpose in their movement,
Marked with the masters brand.

The wind, rain and snow,
They all come as the seasons command,
Making your world a land of wonder,
A land where man is proud to stand.

You are a great and awesome God ,
I am so thankful that you never change.
You will always be the same,
I can put my life into Your hand.

The wonders of creation reveal to all of mankind the handy work of my God.
(Psalm 19: 1-10, Jeremiah 33:20-30)
By Peter C. Salmond

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