Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8/ 2010 Poems

The Masterpiece

Jan. 8/10

What God did when He created the world
Was remarkable, He created a masterpiece
On the great canvas in the sky
He held nothing back.

The end result, stunningly beautiful
Yet it was staggering in complexity
So many pieces all molded into one
It was extravagant in all regards

What happened shortly after creation,
It was a crime against a loving and caring God.
God had allowed free choice, man choose his own way,
And not God's, and God's work of art was marred.

Marred by an idea, man thought it a better way,
Our heavenly artist lovingly gave a solution
For man, to repair the smudge he had made,
By painting it red like crimson, making it white as snow.

The Artist paid the price to correct man's mistake,
By giving His life upon a tree He created.
All we need to do is believe in Him,
And follow His way and enjoy His Masterpiece.

The day, will come again for you and me.
Everyone in heaven and on earth will bow
At his feet, at the name of Jesus they will bow,
And those from every nation who have accepted,

Will fit again into God’s plan.
In Christ they will worship together,
In a new flawless heaven and a new flawless earth.
Yes, God made a great creation.

But greater, much greater was His grace!
For when man had sinned and grieved His heart,
He sent Jesus to die in his place
So now we have all eternity to praise God.

My friend, the nice part is that we can begin today.
(Rev. 15, Is. 53:6, Ps. 2:10)
Peter C. Salmond

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