Sunday, March 13, 2011



I need FOOD to sustain my physical body,
I also need FOOD for my spiritual one.
God’s Word is “sweeter, than honey and the honeycomb” (Ps. 19:10)
It feeds my soul and makes me whole (v.7)

God's word provides me with nourishment
And it gives to me energy for my spiritual walk
So I must take time to feed on it daily
So that I will grow, grow, grow.

Supplying spiritual strength from day to day
It teaches me what I need to know for me
To share that love with others where ever I go
This is His will, so He feeds me through His word.

The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.
—Psalm 19:7

That would be me, just a simple man
Seeking to do the will of the Lord
Striving to obey His commands
Walking in the footsteps of the Lord

When I fall short the Lord is always there
I reach out to Him and He makes things right
He gives me strength for another step along the way
Says study and read for I approve of you this day.

By Peter C. Salmond

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