Monday, March 21, 2011

Your Words, Honey or Vinegar


Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. —Proverbs 16:24

There is power in your words that can build up
Or there can be weight in your word that tear down
So do you have words of encouragement and blessing
Or do you have words of discouragement, causing a frown.

Create a big smile that will last for a mile
Or you can produce a sad face, all around
But if we practice encouraging others always
You will have smiles all around you grown

So in all your contacts with people each day,
Seek to create a smile and not a frown
Be sure to encourage in all that you say
And you will be on your way up and not down

A gentle word of compliment falls lightly
On a soul that is burdened and frail
But it carries great weight in lifting them up
Helping to carry the load they entail.

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